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Shadow tendency Wholeness
Automatically feels inferior to others Realistic
Deprives themselves of the best of what they have to offer Skilled in tackling things
Doesn’t live life to fullest Perseveres even when there are setbacks
Doesn’t have the chance to learn to change through new experiences Ability to assess situations objectively
Seem sensible to their peers Determined
Admires others without a pang of envy or jealousy Capable
Doesn’t believe in one’s own capabilities Resilient
Never expects anything other than failure Not afraid of failure
Hesitant and passive Confident that they will attain success
Makes no effort due to belief of being a failure Willing to take risks
Lack of self-confidence The word “can’t” doesn’t exist in their dictionary
Uses illness as an excuse to not tackle something Perseveres even when after many tries of failure
Feels useless and impotent Helps relinquish self-limiting beliefs
False modesty Dissipate despondent energy
Afraid of failures Self-esteem
Useful before exams Self-assured
Full of doubt
Giving up opportunities
May have been belittled or discouraged in the past

Origin and Specification of the Plant

Binomial Name: Larix Decidua
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Pinaceae
Genus: Larix
Species: L.decidua
Origin: Alps and Carpathian
Flower Shade: Pinkish Red
Other names: Common Larch, Venice turpentine
Elements/Chemicals contained by the plant: Maltol
Foliage: Deciduous
Height: 30m
Description: a deciduous conifer making a large conical tree, broadening with age, with cream young shoots bearing soft, light green needle-like leaves in whorls, turning yellow in autumn. Flowers small, cones to 4cm, erect
Flowering season: April to May
Qualities and preferences: deep, well drained soil with full sunlight
Areas of Growth: Woodland, Parks

In traditional medicine the inner bark of Larch was used externally to treat eczema and psoriasis and internally to treat haemorrhages and cystitis. It was also used as a stimulant expectorant for chronic bronchitis. The wearing or burning of Larch was though to protect against evil spirits.

Larch trees shed their needles every year. Before this could happen, they turn a characteristic and this feature was utilised in the 1930s when the Nazis planted larch trees to form the swastika shape in a evergreen pine forest. The 200-foot swastika, that was only visible from the air was located in 1992. First attempts to remove it were unsuccessful, after Larch tees regrew and there were disputes over the property ownership. However, German authorities removed 20 of the trees in 2000, finally disrupting the symbol, fearing the site in Brandenburg Forest might become a rallying point for neo-Nazis.

Specification of remedy

Group: Second nineteen
Emotional Group: Despondency or despair
Emotional Response: Loss of confidence
Method of extraction: Boiling

Larch relates to the soul quality of self-confidence. We take this remedy when we lose confidence and don’t trust our abilities or when you don’t believe we will be successful.The Larch remedy gives us the confidence .Dr Bach first prepared the Larch remedy near Sotwell in 1935.

The flower of Larch opens at the time when the needles just become visible as tiny bright green tufts. Individuals who require Larch frequently exhibit a delicate psychological makeup, much like the delicate structure of the Larch tree itself. This makes them vulnerable to negative influences and lacking in robustness and decisiveness. It's unfortunate because these individuals are often just as capable, or even more capable, than their peers. It's a pity that they are frequently ignored, despite their potential to be equally or more competent.

Comparison between other flowers

When the Larch and Cerato personality have no confidence in their judgment they act differently and in the opposite manner as an average Cerato person would take up the challenge and often succeed after making up their mind. While on the other hand, Larch would rather stand back and let the opportunity pass them, by feeling far too self-conscious to make any attempt, as well as feeling like there was no point trying because they would think that they have no capacity to do so.

The images below shows a zoomed in aspect of the Larch flower.
